Sight and Sound

Over the years, my work has taken me through the sights and sounds of words on the page, music, theater, and even the patterns of legal arguments. Feel free to click on the tabs here to visit the images and language in "Little Buzzcut," "Maine Thaw," and Renegade Writers -- and to ignite the sights and sounds your imagination creates when you read and listen and watch. Thank you for that.

Little Buzzcut

I know these things because death allows me to.

Listen, child.  

Desierto de los Muertos will dry Officer Kincaid’s eyes. He will look for you.

Rio Grande will rise to drown him while he searches.


Maine Thaw

Maine Thaw

Maine 44.8831° N, 68.6719° W: Early March

By now, there’s been a thaw. And night mud that re-freezes under stellar wind. Not yet enough for resurrection, though friends have said for weeks: almost there, almost spring, almost warm.

I’m not like them. I’m sorry to see winter go.


Renegade Writers

In 2019, I launched "Renegade Writers," a reading with colleagues from Portland, Maine's African-American and immigrant communities. We were "renegade" because we were unconventional, stealth artists in a sense -- each of us known for other work, each from a different cultural background, each devoted to stories, poetry, lyrics, or comedy.

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© Stephanie Cotsirilos